Welcome message from Denise Dalton- Executive Headteacher
Welcome to St Jude’s C of E Primary Academy. Hopefully, you will find our website useful and informative; however, should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the academy directly.
St Jude’s C of E Primary Academy is a vibrant school that serves a richly diverse multi cultural community where pupils come from a range of social and economic backgrounds. St Jude’s is situated in the mid-west of the city and operates as a two form entry Primary.
Our school values respect, self worth and celebrating differences in partnership with parents and carers. This is an important feature at St Jude’s. Our school motto is “Children are the Rainbow of the World” and we encourage the children to work towards our RAINBOW values. These are: Respect, Achieve, Inspire, Nurture, Belief, Outstanding, Welcoming. At our school we aim to build positive relationships rooted in mutual respect. We expect pupils to achieve the highest possible standard of teaching and care in positive and stimulating environment. All staff have the highest regard for the need to Safeguard pupils wellbeing in accordance with statutory requirements.
Our continued focus and self evaluation from all our stakeholders, ensures that the academy is continually striving for improvement.
Central to St Jude’s Church of England Primary Academy is our strong Christian foundation and ethos. At the heart of our school is a positive and inclusive environment where diversity is valued. We stimulate in every child a desire for learning so that they will achieve their full potential in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
At our school, we pride ourselves in providing a broad and balanced curriculum for the children. Our curriculum is bespoke and is tailored to the needs of the children in order to challenge and support them. We encourage the children to be inquisitive and strive for them to achieve to their fullest potential. Each year group has a carefully designed curriculum that builds on knowledge and understanding that the children have already acquired. Learning isn’t restricted to just the classroom; we also offer a wealth of enrichment activities throughout your children’s time with us: there are numerous class trips, residential visits, experiential learning days, whole class and small group music lessons and a wealth of after school activities for them to enjoy.
We are very proud to be part of the community and look forward to developing a strong link between home and school. Our pupils’ well-being is of paramount importance at St Jude’s and we endeavour to ensure that all children maximise their potential in an encouraging, supportive and enjoyable environment. We have built an exciting curriculum, designed to ensure challenge for all, through engaging and exciting lessons. To do this we have a range of events throughout the school calendar. These include: Parent Forum, St Jude’s Carnival, Grandparents Lunches, Family Discos, Celebration Assemblies and Open Days. In addition to this we attend regular worship sessions at St Jude’s Church.
We are proud to be part of the St Chad’s Academy Trust which includes 21 other academies allowing us to work in partnership to support the needs of children in Wolverhampton. Through collaborative learning we can ensure our pupils understand their role in society and that they have a sense of purpose and belonging in our community and the wider world. Ultimately, we strive for the pupils to be well equipped with the skills that will support their transition and build upon the educational attributes that have been instilled in them on their journey through St Jude’s.
Please visit, telephone or email me for further information or to view the school.
As a school, we look forward to working with you and your children on your journey through St Jude’s.

Children are the Rainbow of the World

Part of – St Chad’s Academies Trust