Dinner Arrangements

Parents may choose for their children to have school meals or bring their own packed lunch.

From September 2015 – All INFANT children (Reception, Year 1 and 2) are entitled to a school meal which will be provided by the school. 

School meals are cooked on site and there is a good daily choice, including vegetarian options. We cater for a range of different needs and encourage the children to try new foods. Our meals are nutritionally balance and the children are offered fresh fruit as well as a daily salad bar. 

Menus are displayed each term in the dining hall and entrance, a copy of this is also available below.

Families who are eligible to claim free school meals can complete an application form through the Local Authority. 

Children who bring in packed lunches are advised to bring their meal in a sealed container which has been clearly labelled with the child’s name and class.

We ask that parents avoid sending into school any fizzy drinks, cans or bottles as we strive to be a healthy school. We also ask parents to be aware that other children may have dietary needs, so children are not permitted to have nuts in their lunch boxes. 


School milk is available for all children on a daily basis. 


Water is available for children to drink throughout the day at different water fountains in each pod area. All children are encouraged to bring in a named water bottle to school on a daily basis.


Fruit is available for all pupils as part of the Healthy Schools initiative.


Packed Lunch Guide